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Split Family Case Study

Written by Lisa

When parents separate it affects the entire family. Regardless of the adult issues, if the best interests of the children are the focus from both parents then that is the best outcome.How does Cherished Cherubs assist in these situations?

When parents separate it affects the entire family. Regardless of the adult issues, if the best interests of the children are the focus from both parents then that is the best outcome.

How does Cherished Cherubs assist in these situations?

Meet Paul. His separation from his wife Belinda was not very amicable. There were trust issues and Belinda did not trust that Paul would choose responsible people to care for their children when they were in his care. As such she restricted his access.

Paul contacted Cherished Cherubs and ascertained the process and credentials we use when recruiting babysitters. He was able to take this information back to Belinda and make a commitment to her that he would only use Cherished Cherubs if he needed a babysitter.

Belinda was able to contact us and a similar conversation was had as to how we operate. Options were discussed with Belinda as to what she would ideally want in a babysitter for her children, and an offer that she was also able to try our agency before Paul if she desired.

A fantastic outcome was with Paul having access to his children and Belinda feeling reassured that her children were in good hands. In addition to this, both Belinda and Paul continue to use Cherished Cherubs and we are able to provide the same babysitters to them both whether at Paul’s house or Belinda’s which gives great consistency for the children.

If Cherished Cherubs can help you or someone you know with their babysitting needs please contact us.

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At Cherished Cherubs, we have been providing quality childcare  in Perth since 2002.  We know how important your children are.  Our mission is to provide professional, tailored and affordable babysitting services to create a stress-free experience for parents.  We organise it all for you.  Whether you want to find a babysitter to take care of your little ones at home, at your hotel, at work or your latest event, we’ve got you covered.

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