We are not perfect parents

Written by Lisa

We are not perfect mums either.Who understands what it is like to be a parent if they do not live and breathe it every day?

We are not perfect mums either.

Who understands what it is like to be a parent if they do not live and breathe it every day?

Who understands that a break is a NEED and not just a want?

For someone to truly relate to another they need to have walked in their shoes.

As a parent we juggle many situations that require decisions to be made, big and small, 24/7! Because you have so much time… not.

  1. You already juggle your work, the kids sport, cleaning the house and shopping to mention a few tasks.
  2. Then, you have a friend that is going through a hard time and you want to be there for her,
  3. and a mother in law who is asking for more time with the family,
  4. and you are wondering; “how long this ‘phase’ last that your 3yo is going through”,
  5. and the sleepless nights that you experience with the arrival of a new bub into the family, and more….
  6. There are issues at work. Do these stresses come back through the home and family, yes, they do!
  7. That is the third invitation you have had to turn down this month, they will stop asking you soon and you will never get a social life.

Does it ever STOP?????

At Cherished Cherubs Babysitting all the team in the office are mums of children that are in school and younger. They continue to do the broken sleeps, the sick children, the crazy hours between 5 -7pm, the school runs, the taxi mum job, the time management, or perhaps mismanagement, the appointments, the homework, the frustrations of the tantrums, the answering back, the messes, the sibling rivalry and the list could go forever and does…

They also know that the children are their whole world, their laughter, their fun, their love.

With that brings the concerns of letting the apron strings go at times, to trust others, to know the kids are safe, to know the kids are being looked after so they are comfortable and happy.

If you are a nervous parent, that is a good thing – it means you care. And the Cherished Cherubs team care too. The best interests of the children are their priority.

Cherished Cherubs Babysitters can never replace a parent, but they can give the parents a chance to have a break, recoup, and then come back to be an even better parent. So, give them a call on 0417 927 525 and have a chat about what you need, chances are they have needed exactly the same themselves.

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